Government makes another R$ 43 million available to rebuild houses destroyed by floods

02/04/2004 - 16h08

Brasília, April 2, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - The government allocated an additional US$ 15 million (R$ 43.7 million), today, for the reconstruction of houses destroyed by the floods that occurred at the beginning of this year. The resources will permit the construction of 6.6 thousand houses. 213 municipalities in the Northeast, North, Center-West, and Southeast regions of Brazil will be benefitted. This was the third and final portion of resources intended to cover the damages caused by this year's rains, which resulted in the destruction of over 18 thousand houses.

After today's announcement, made by the Ministers of National Integration, Ciro Gomes, and Cities, Olívio Dutra, the total allocation comes to US$ 41.10 million (R$ 119 million).

Translator: David Silberstein