Brasília, March 31, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - Brazil will help East Timor control the Aids The Ministry of Health and the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) will sign an agreement next Monday (2) to develop a project for the strengthening of activities to control the disease in that country.
The CNBB's Aids Pastoral, the Missionary Council, and the American non-governmental organization (NGO), Catholic Relief Service, are participating in the formulation of the project, with support from the Brazilian Ministry of Health's National Program for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Aids (DST/Aids).
Last year a technical team from the Ministry and missionaries from the Aids Pastoral visited East Timor to become acquainted with the reality of local health conditions. For Brother José Bernardi, executive secretary of the CNBB's DST/Aids Pastoral, the Brazilian assistance is important and justifiable.
Translator: David Silberstein