Minister will not change economic policy, says American newspaper

19/03/2004 - 12h39

Brasília, March 19, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - The Wall Street Journal, the most important financial newspaper in the United States, published a story in its edition today about the speech made yesterday (18) in London by the Minister of Finance, Antônio Palocci, on Lula's government's holding a steady course in economic policy.

"The Minister said that economic policy will continue to be steered in the direction of bringing macroeconomic stability," according to the story, which commented that the Brazilian economy experienced a 0.2% contraction in 2003.

In London the Minister defended the Central Bank's monetary policy and recalled that, in the past Brazil suffered the effects of high inflation. The Minister also reasserted Brazil's inclination not to renew its loan agreement with the IMF this year.

Translator: David Silberstein