Predatory hunting threatens Amazon turtles

02/03/2004 - 12h13

Brasília, 3/3/2004 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Studies by biologist Érica Cristina Padovani Haller have found that two species of turtles in the Amazon rainforest are threatened with extinction because of predatory hunting by local inhabitants. The turtles, the Podocnemis sextuberculata (pitiu) and the Podcnemis unifilis (tracaja), are found in the Trombetas River Biological Reserve.

The eggs and the meat of the turtles are very popular with local Indians and residents of quilombos (descendents of slaves). Heller says there is a need to do two things: protect the turtles, probably by raising them in controlled areas, and give local inhabitants an alternative source of food. (AB)