Brasília, January 29, 2004 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Minister of Labor and Employment, Ricardo Berzoini, made a pledge to his subordinates, especially to the inspectors, that he will intensify inspection efforts in the country and reinforce the conditions under which this activity is performed. In a note released last night (28), Berzoini affirmed that the Ministry will demand clarification of all the facts and appropriate punishment for the murderers of three labor inspectors and a driver, yesterday morning, in Unaí, northwestern Minas Gerais.
In the note, the Minister informs that the inspectors, Nelson José da Silva, João Batista Soares Lages, and Eratóstenes de Almeida Gonçalves, as well as the driver, Ailton Pereira de Oliveira, all of whom were "barbarically assassinated," were assigned to the Regional Labor Delegacy of Minas Gerais and were on the job, carrying out one of the Ministry's routine inspections. (DAS)