Mariana Jungmann Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília – The judges on the Federal Election Court (“ministros do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral – TSE”) have 3,000 cases on their docket, along with 200 appeals, all of them related to the October 7, first round voting in this year’s municipal elections. Many of these lawsuits and countersuits stem from the recently approved Clean Criminal Record Law (“Ficha Limpa”), which makes candidates with convictions ineligible to run for office. Decisions by the court in these cases may change election results.
Meanwhile, the runoff elections are this weekend, on Sunday, October 28. Spokespersons for the TSE say that the backlog will be dealt with by December when election results are certified (“diplomação dos vencedores”).
This week the TSE made two decisions that changed October 7 results in the towns of Mar de Espanha (MG) and São José do Vale do Rio Preto (RJ).
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - TSE acolhe recursos e muda resultado das eleições em dois municípios