Renata Giraldi Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília – President Dilma Rousseff, speaking at the United Nations as she opened the 67th General Assembly, declared that as the solution to the Syrian crisis could never be a military one, it had to be negotiated and achieved through peaceful means. At the same time she blamed the 25,000 deaths over the last 18 months of conflict on both the Bashar Al Assad government and the opposition.
She went on to say that the Arab Spring had “…sweep despotic regimes away and unleashed a process of transition. It is not difficult to recognize in the midst of what is happening a cry of revolt against poverty, unemployment and the lack of liberty so characteristic of authoritarian governments.”
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Dilma condena intervenção militar na Síria e cobra responsabilidades por violações de direitos humanos