Débora Zampier Reporter Agencia Brasil
Brasilia – The two largest associations of judges in the country, the Association of Brazilian Magistrates and the Association of Federal Judges of Brazil (“Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros AMB” and the “Associação dos Juízes Federais do Brasil - Ajufe”), say they are deeply concerned that inconsistencies in the new Land Use Law (“Codigo Florestal”), which is expected to go into effect this week, may open floodgates to litigation.
The associations have made it clear that judges will be “perplexed” with the new rules if imprecise language and legal ambiguities are not corrected.
“An avalanche of lawsuits will just mean more insecurity in the countryside, especially among small farmers, and the nation as a whole,” said a spokesperson for the organizations.
In a note made public the associations of judges call on the legislative and executive branches (“demais Poderes”) to handle the issue with care: for “discernment” from president Dilma Rousseff and an “elevated public spirit” in the Congress.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Juízes se dizem preocupados que texto do novo Código Florestal possa provocar avalanche de ações