Daniel Mello Repórter Agência Brasil
São Paulo – It was a meeting of two of Brazil’s former presidents – the ones who served two terms [the other living former presidents did not do that. José Sarney had one term and Fernando Collor was impeached before he completed his first term; both Sarney and Collor are now senators).
Yesterday, March 27, Fernando Henrique Cardoso visited Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva who was at the Sírio-Lebanês Hospital for speech therapy (“fonoaudiologia”), which is common for people who have undergone treatment for cancer of the larynx.
The visit was a courtesy call and lasted about 50 minutes.
Lula completed laryngeal cancer treatment on February 17, but returned to hospital between March 4 and 11 because of pneumonia.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Fernando Henrique visita Lula no hospital