Renata Giraldi Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília – Between March 26 and 31, president Dilma Rousseff will be on another international trip. This time, she will be in Índia for the 4th summit of the so-called BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
At the top of the agenda, world peace and security, along with sustainable development as a tool for poverty reduction. As the summit takes place against the background of the worst international economic crisis since the 1930s, international financial market activities will also be discussed.
Dilma will meet with presidents Dmitri Medvedev of Russia, Hu Jintao of China and Jacob Zuma of South Africa, as well as Manmohan Singh, the prime minister of India. The leaders will move ahead with plans to place the BRICS closer to the power center of international economics and politics. At the same time, they will seek to expand their multilateral relations with each other, expanding trade and other ties.
Dilma Rousseff, in a demonstration of how important the summit is, will be accompanied by some 60 business leaders, along with members of her government.
Brazil will make a special effort to show that the country’s economy is more than just commodities and raw material. Some of the businessmen traveling with the president will be from cutting edge technology corporations.
The leaders will sign a document setting up commercial and investment relations between their development banks (in Brazil that is the “BNDES”) to foster commerce and development using local currencies. There will be a declaration in favor of peace in the Middle East and Africa, with special mention of the crises in Syria and Afghanistan.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Dilma vai à Índia participar da 4ª reunião do Brics