Daniella Jinkings Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília – On Tuesday, January 17, the Colombian minister of Defense, Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno, was in Brasilia for talks with the Brazilian minister of Defense, Celso Amorim, on the creation of a joint border defense plan as part of greater cooperation between the two countries in the military area.
According to Amorim, a bilateral commission will be set up to implement the plan with a technical meeting scheduled for February or March.
“In the past we exchanged information. With this plan everything will be more transparent,” explained Amorim, adding that the consolidation of South America’s defense industry and combating transnational crime organizations were issues that Colombia and Brazil would discuss at a Union of South American Nations (“Unasul”) ministers of Justice and Defense meeting in May in Colombia.
“By uniting forces we will be stronger in the battle against narcotraffic and the commerce in illegal arms and explosives,” declared minister Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno.
Another topic the two ministers discussed was the purchase of Colombian launches. According to Amorim, Colombian fluvial boat technology is of great interest for a country like Brazil and the two countries are interested in a possible joint venture.
Amorim pointed out that the two countries already have extensive military relations. Colombia has bought Brazilian aircraft, specifically Tucano light fighters (AT-27 and AT-29) and is studying participation in the new Brazilian transport/tanker aircraft, the KC-390.
“We are not bartering with the Colombians,” said Amorim, “This is all part of exploring areas of cooperation. In February, we will go to Colombia to examine the launches. Also on the table is a joint project to make a fluvial patrol boat. These are things we need to discuss right away.”
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Brasil e Colômbia vão fazer plano bilateral de fronteiras para combater o crime organizado