NEWS IN ENGLISH – Ministry of Agriculture sends inspectors to Paraguay due to reports of foot and mouth disease

12/01/2012 10:27

Danilo Macedo     Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – In order to head off the spread of foot and mouth disease from Paraguay into Brazil, the Ministry Agriculture (“Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento – Mapa”) has sent two federal inspectors to check five meatpacking plants in the departamentos (states) of Assunção and Concepción that are certified to export meat to Brazil. The inspectors are expected to remain there for eight days and verify that all requirements for export are being fulfilled. Brazil has limited its imports of beef from Paraguay to only two types since last September when there was another outbreak of foot and mouth disease, that is, aged and boneless beef (“carne maturada e desossada”).

Along with the Brazilian inspectors, another inspection mission from Mercosur will be in Paraguay between January 15 and 21.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Ministério da Agricultura envia missão para fiscalizar frigoríficos paraguaios