NEWS IN ENGLISH – Former president Lula has laryngeal cancer and will begin treatment today

31/10/2011 11:01

Newsroom      Agência Brasil

Brasilia – Former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been diagnosed with cancer of the larynx and will begin chemotherapy today, Monday, October 31.

On Thursday, Lula commemorated his 66th birthday and during the party complained of a period of prolonged hoarseness. It was suggested he do some medical exams and he did so on Friday. He spent most of Saturday in hospital recovering from a biopsy.

News of Lula’s cancer was announced at a Ibero-Latin American summit in Asuncion. The president of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, pointed out that he himself, along with Lula’s successor, Dilma Rousseff, and the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, have all had cancer. The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, lamented the news but said Lula was “a fighter who was used to winning big challenges.”

The president of the opposition party (PSDB), Sergio Guerra, declared that “Lula still has a big contribution to make to the national political debate,” and sent wishes for his rapid recovery. Roberto Freire (PPS), prasied Lula for not hiding the diagnosis. “He acted correctly. It is rare for politicians to be so forthcoming about these things,” he declared.

President Dilma Rousseff sent a personal message to Lula, encouraging him by describing her own case. “As everyone knows, I went through this myself. Thanks to preventive exams my cancer was found early. I went through the same treatment by the competent team of doctors at the same hospital (“Hospital Sírio-Libanês”) that allowed me a complete recovery. I am certain the same will happen in the case of Lula.”

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Lula passa o domingo em casa com a família e inicia quimioterapia amanhã

Link - Lula ainda tem muito a contribuir para o debate político nacional, diz presidente do PSDB

Link - Lula deixa hospital e inicia quimioterapia na segunda-feira