NEWS IN ENGLISH – President of Public Ethics Commission says charges against minister of Sports are grave

20/10/2011 10:37

Yara Aquino         Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – The head of the Public Ethics Commission, which is housed in the presidency (“Presidência da República”), Sepúlveda Pertence, called the accusations against the minister of Sports, Orlando Silva, “grave.” He then announced the commission will analyze the denouncement published in the weekly newsmagazine, Veja, that the minister received money embezzled (“dinheiro desviado”) from the Second Half Program run by the ministry to provide poor, at-risk children with an opportunity to practice sports after school instead of being out on the street. Pertence (a former Supreme Court justice) commented that at the moment the charges may be “a little green,” but that accusing someone of bribery is always a serious matter, “depending on who makes it.”

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Presidente da Comissão de Ética Pública diz que denúncias contra ministro do Esporte são graves