NEWS IN ENGLISH – São Paulo industrial sector faces stagnant employment

14/10/2011 07:54

Marli Moreira Reporter Agência Brasil

São Paulo – The Paulista industrial sector (“industria de transformação”) has created 100,000 jobs since January, na increase of 3.87%, compared to the same period in 2010. For the 12 month period ending in Septermber, there was a net increase in industrial segment jobs of 20,000. However, the latest monthly job survey found that from August to September there a drop of 0.23%, representing a loss of some 6,000 jobs.

Most of the lost jobs were in the food segment (4,574) where a downturn in sugarcane production and reduced activity in the meat industry took place. This was the worst September in São Paulo since 2006 when the state job survey began (“Pesquisa de Nível de Emprego do Estado de São Paulo/Indicadores Regionais e Setoriais da Federação e Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo - Fiesp/Ciesp”).

According to André Rebelo, a Strategic Affairs aide at Fiesp – the São Paulo Manufacterers Federation – the September result was expected. “Until recently interest rates were still climbing and credit was restricted,” he pointed out. There is also competition from imports that has forced a slowdown in hiring, Rebelo added. He went on by saying that a bright note was that Brazil continues to attract international capital.

Rebelo says that although the strongest drops in employment were in meats, ethanol and sugar, there were negative employment results in 11 of the 22 segments the survey examines. He says expectations are that employment levels at the end of the year will be up only 0.5%, compared to 2010. And that will be much weaker that in 2010, when jobs were up 4.74%, compared to 2009.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Indústria paulista prevê estagnação na oferta de emprego