Daniel Lima Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília – Government revenue (“arrecadação de impostos e contribuições federais”) for August 2011 reached R$74.608 billion, a real increase of 8.11%, compared to August 2010, and up 17.63%, compared to the prior month, July 2011.
Cumulative government revenue for the year, January to August, has now reached R$630.464 billion, a new record, up in real terms 13.26%, compared to the same period last year.
According to the IRS (“Receita Federal”), some factors during the period between December 2010 and July 2011 that influenced the results were: an increase of 1.53% in industrial output, growth of 12.77% in sales (“volume geral de vendas”), an increase of 15.96% in salary mass and a variation in the value of the dollar for imports of 28.39%.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Arrecadação chega a R$ 74,6 bilhões em agosto e bate recorde para o mês