NEWS IN ENGLISH – President of Central Bank says Brazil is prepared to deal with the crisis

12/08/2011 09:54

Elaine Patricia Cruz           Reporter Agência Brasil

São Paulo – Speaking at an award ceremony for the best companies in Brazil, sponsored by the magazine, Isto É Dinheiro, the president of the Central Bank, Alexandre Tombini, declared that, “Brazil has done its homework and is ready to deal with the world economic crisis. At the Central Bank and in the government, we have put in place broad and consistent measures to bring inflation back under control,” declared Tombrini, adding that inflation will be within the government target in 2012 (4.5%, plus or minus two percentage points).

According to Tombrini, in spite of some criticism, measures by the bank and the government have “… created a safety cushion at the moment when it is possible that the crisis may get worse.” Tombrini called the response by Brazil a “response of quality during a period of great challenges in the world economy.”

The president of the Central Bank went on to say, “The important thing right now is to maintain the fiscal rigor that has helped us keep inflation under control and continue to do the work at the Central Bank that has distinguished the Brazilian economy from other economies.”

In a recorded message presented at the event, minister of Finance, Guido Mantega, seconded Tombrini: “Brazil is well prepared to deal with problems that may come our way from the more advanced economies. We will not permit the foreign crisis to topple our economy, reduce jobs in Brazil or threaten all that we have built up over the years through enormous effort. The government is prepared to take whatever measures are necessary to maintain the investment and credit quality of Brazil and to protect jobs here.”

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Tombini diz que Brasil fez o dever de casa e que está preparado para enfrentar crise