NEWS IN ENGLISH – Market analysts on inflation estimates and forecast of interest rates

02/08/2011 09:41

Kelly Oliveira           Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – The latest Central Bank survey of market estimates found that financial analysts believe 2011 inflation will remain within government target limits – at 6.31% (the official government inflation target for this year is 4.5%, plus or minus two percentage points).

With regard to 2012 inflation, the market sees it lower at 5.30%.

Brazil’s benchmark interest rate, the Selic, is presently at 12.50% and markets expect it to close out the year at 12.75% (the Selic has risen at the last five consecutive monetary policy committee meetings. Brazil has the world’s highest real interest rate). The market estimate for 2012 is for the Selic to end the year at 12.50%.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English – content modified

Link - Analistas elevam estimativa de inflação e reduzem expectativa para a Selic em 2012