Alex Rodrigues and Paula Laboissière Reporters Agência Brasil
Brasília – This weekend the Ministry of Health sent seven tons of medicine to the state of Roraima where record flooding has taken place. The shipment of basic medicines, diagnostic kits and some equipment (gloves and syringes, for example) will supply up to 7,500 people for a period of around three months. The ministry warns of the danger of diseases, such as leptospirrosis and rotavirus, and emphasizes the need to purify water carefully before drinking it.
Meanwhile, Petrobras is studying alternative means of getting fuel to the state, many parts of which are completely isolated. A complicating factor is that Roraima depends on thermoelectric power plants that burn diesel fuel for its electricity.
In Brasilia, the minister of National Integration, Fernando Bezerra Coelho, announced that the state of Roraima will receive R$15 million to assist the population and begin repairs of the damage caused by the heavy rains.
Coelho said most of the funds, R$10 million, will go to recovering roads so isolated areas can be reached as soon as possible. The minister admitted that the amount allocated could increase depending on needs.
At the same time, Brasilia said it is prepared to distribute 10,000 food baskets to the state.
Roraima has had heavy rain for most of the last 30 days. The state governor, Jose de Ancheita Junior, points out that the rainy season in the region will last until August.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Postos e Petrobras negociam alternativas de transporte para evitar falta de combustíveis em Roraima
Link - Ministério envia remédios para cidades de Roraima afetadas por enchente
Link - Governo anuncia liberação de R$ 15 milhões para recuperar prejuízos causados pelas chuvas em Roraima