Luana Lourenço and Renata Giraldi Reporters Agência Brasil
Brasília – President Dilma Rousseff’s top administrative aide, Gilberto Carvalho (“ministro-chefe da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República”), says that in spite of the position of Amnesty International, the Belo Monte hydroelectric project on the Xingu River in the state of Pará is something the Brazilian government is proud of and a project it intends to move ahead with.
“We respect the position of Amnesty International, but Brasilia is convinced that this is a just process. We believe the project is adequate. We are proud of this endeavor. We will furnish any necessary information on Belo Monte, but the construction will definitely move ahead,” declared Carvalho.
A note from Amnesty International based its opposition to the construction of Belo Monte on fears that the needs of indigenous communities in the region, including healthcare and their cultural heritage, would not be protected.
The deputy director for the Americas at Amnesty International, Guadalupe Mrengo, declared that building the dam “… threatens the rights of local indians, and those rights must be totally guaranteed. Construction of Belo Monte should be suspended until such guarantees can be confirmed.”
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Ibama autoriza início da construção da Usina de Belo Monte
Link - MPF faz novo alerta para que Ibama não licencie Belo Monte enquanto condicionantes não forem cumpridas
Link - Gilberto Carvalho diz que governo levará adiante projeto da Usina de Belo Monte
Link - Anistia Internacional defende suspensão das obras da Usina de Belo Monte
Link - Belo Monte: com licença de instalação, cronograma será cumprido, afirma Norte Energia
Link - Usina de Belo Monte começará a funcionar em 2015, garante Lobão
Link - Belo Monte: consórcio descumpre exigências de saneamento e navegabilidade na região da usina, diz MPF