NEWS IN ENGLISH – Environmental Protection Institute authorizes construction of Belo Monte

06/06/2011 11:22

Sabrina Craide and Luana Lourenço Reporters Agência Brasil

Brasília – On Monday, May 30, the Brazilian Environmntal Protection Institute (“Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – Ibama”) issued a second, “installation,” license (“licença de instalação”) for the Belo Monte hydroelectric project. The installation license will allow construction on the dam to begin.

At the beginning of the year, Ibama issued a first, “partial,” license (“licença previa”) allowing the consortium (“Norte Energia S.A.”) to set up a construction site and begin fulfilling 40 contractual obligations (“condicionantes”), also known as social-environmental requirements (“exigencies socioambientais”). The requirements range from protecting the flora and fauna, to putting in place potable water and sewage systems with water treatment plants [it should be pointed out that the Belo Monte “condicionantes” call for potable water and sewage treatment in 100% of the buildings in Altamira and Vitoria do Xingu, the two towns nearest the site of Belo Monte, something that does not exist in any other Brazilian city]. The constructors are also supposed to build roads, schools and hospitals, as well as ensure that the livelihood of riverside dwellers (most of them Indians) is not affected adversely by the construction.

In order for Belo Monte to actually go into operation it will need a third license (“licença de operação”) from Ibama. All the condicionantes are supposed to be concluded before that license is issued.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English – content modified

Link - Ibama autoriza início da construção da Usina de Belo Monte

Link - MPF faz novo alerta para que Ibama não licencie Belo Monte enquanto condicionantes não forem cumpridas

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