NEWS IN ENGLISH – Brazil votes to allow Honduras to return to OAS

02/06/2011 11:39

Renata Giraldi       Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – By a vote of 32 to 1, the Organization of American States has voted to allow the return of Honduras to full membership after a two-year period of suspension following a coup that overthrew a democratically elected government. The coup was violently opposed by almost all Latin America countries, many victims of coups themselves in the past.

The only vote against was by Ecuador, led by the Rafael Correa administration, which continues to insist on bringing criminal charges against the leaders of the June 2009 coup for human rights violations.

Brazil voted in favor following long negotiations (culminating in the Cartagena Agreement that was signed on May 22) in which the present government in Honduras (elected in November 2009), led by Profirio Pepe Lobo, agreed to obey the constitution (due process), protect human rights (including those of the opposition) and allow the return of the deposed president, Manuel Zelaya. Brasilia believes the situation is now back to normal in Honduras, especially with the return of Zelaya (and his political rights restored), even though it has not been decided if any of the coup leaders should be punished (whether or not this is impunity is considered a domestic issue by the countries that voted to readmit Honduras).

According to the Foreign Ministry, Itamaraty, Brazil is preparing to appoint an ambassador to Honduras. Since 2009, Brazil has had a career diplomat in Tegucigalpa representing the interests of Brasilia as chargé d’affaires.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - OEA decide reintegrar Honduras depois de quase dois anos de suspensão