NEWS IN ENGLISH – OAB calls Supreme Court decision on homosexual unions a victory for equality and dignity

09/05/2011 10:42

Newsroom    Agência Brasil


Brasilia – The Federal Bar Association (“Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – OAB”) commemorated last week’s decision by the Supreme Court recoginizing that  homosexuals can have a stable union. The OAB said the ruling was in accordance with the principles of human equality and dignity described in the Brazilian constitution.


“This is something that is part of Brazilian life and society. It is something that needed to be recognized by the courts so as to protect the rights of those who live in a situation similar to a stable union,” declared Ophir Cavalcante, the OAB president.


Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - OAB: decisão do Supremo sobre união homossexual é reconhecimento da igualdade e dignidade