NEWS IN ENGLISH – Brasília decides the government will have a greater role in infrastructure construction

02/05/2011 12:36

Luciana Lima      Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – It has been decided that in the case of large construction projects (especially infrastructure and hydroelectric sites in isolated regions of the country) there should be a greater presence of the government (“presença maior do Estado). According to Paulo Maldos, the national secretary for Social Liaison (“Articulação Social”), which is housed in the office of Gilberto Carvalho, the presidential aide who deals with social movements (“Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República”), Brasilia will demand that contractors move more quickly and efficiently in completing mandatory preparatory procedures (“condicionantes”) at large construction sites.

These required preparations – condicionantes – involve initiatives in the areas of safety and housing for workers, ecosystem protection, minimum disruption of the lives of local inhabitants (especially indigenous populations), environmentally-friendly action to preserve fauna and flora and, in the case of Belo Monte, guarantees that the river will remain navigable.

“We were in the Volta Grande do Xingu region [where the Belo Monte hydroelectric project is located) and discovered that the “condicionantes” were way behind schedule. We came to the conclusion that what was missing was the State. Faced with this problem, the government will ensure that the State is present. What we are not going to do is let contractors represent the government (State) at these isolated construction sites in remote regions of the country,” declared Maldos.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English – content modified

Link - Governo quer tocar obras com maior presença do Estado