NEWS IN ENGLISH – Dilma receives military medals and says Brazil has achieved institutional maturity

15/04/2011 09:32

Yara Aquino Reporter Agência Brasil


Brasília – On April 5, president Dilma Rousseff was decorated with a medal from the Armed Forces (“Grã-Mestra da Ordem do Mérito da Defesa”) as well as medals from each of the branches of the armed services: (“Ordem do Mérito Militar, Ordem do Mérito Naval and Ordem do Mérito Aeronáutico”). It is customary for presidents of Brazil to receive the medals. However, as Dilma was part of the armed opposition to the military dictatorship that ran the country between 1965 and 1985, and was arrested and tortured by military agents in 1970, her relationship with the military is more closely watched than would normally be the case.


In remarks after being decorated with the military medals, Dilma said she was proud of the democratic evolution that had taken place in Brazilian society where the armed forces had legitimate means to defend the country’s democracy.


“A country that can count on Armed Forces that adhere strictly to their constitutional obligations is a country that has corrected its ways and reached a high level of institutional maturity,” Dilma declared.


After the medal ceremony, Dilma met with new general officers from the three armed services branches.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

 Link - Ao receber medalhas militares, Dilma diz que país atingiu elevado nível de maturidade institucional