NEWS IN ENGLISH – Obama and family arrive at hotel and receive presents

19/03/2011 09:30

Renata Giraldi and Pedro Peduzzi Reporters Agência Brasil
Brasília – The first image was that of a smiling president of the United States, waving as he rapidly descended from Air Force One at 7:45 am this morning at the Brasília airport. Beside him, his oldest daughter, Malia, 12, followed by his wife, Michelle, and the youngest daughter, Sasha, 7. Bringing up the rear, Obama’s mother-in-law, Marian Robinson. Greetings were exchanged on the tarmac, more smiles and waving. Then everybody climbed aboard the presidential car, known as “the beast,” and drove off to the GoldenTulip Hotel.

There the family got green and yellow flip-flops, T-shirts with symbols of the city – the Congress, Cathedral and Palacio do Planalto – and for the girls, a set of colored pencils with other images of Brasilia.

At 10:00 am, Obama is scheduled to arrive at the Palacio do Planalto.

Meanwhile, Michelle and the kids will have their own schedule of events.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Obama e família recebem presentes no hotel onde estão hospedados