Nelso Barbosa pt-br NEWS IN ENGLISH – Government announces program to benefit industrial sector <p> Wellton M&aacute;ximo and Luciene Cruz&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em> Reporters Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</em></p> <p> Bras&iacute;lia &ndash; Yesterday, Tuesday, April 3, the government rolled out a program to help the industrial sector. The new measures, a total of more than 20 of them, ranging from the automobile sector to exports to cancer treatment, were presented as part of the ongoing Greater Brazil Plan (&quot; Plano Brasil Maior&quot;).</p> <p> According to the executive secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Nelson Barbosa, the program will cost the government R$60.4 billion this year, due to reduced tax revenue (&ldquo;ren&uacute;ncia fiscal&rdquo;), along with credit and grants to the National Treasury and official, state-run banks.</p> <p> A total of R$45 billion, in the form of government bonds, will be transferred between now and the end of 2013 from the Treasury to the Brazilian Development Bank (&ldquo;BNDES&rdquo;) to be used in the government&rsquo;s program to sustain investments (&ldquo;Programa de Sustenta&ccedil;&atilde;o do Investimento - PSI&rdquo;). This operation will not involve funds from the budget (&ldquo;Or&ccedil;amento Geral da Uni&atilde;o&rdquo;), but will mean an increase in public debt.</p> <p> Tax cuts will benefit industrial production (so-called &ldquo;white goods&rdquo; and building material, for example), and the government will also make significant reductions in payroll taxes in some 15 economic segments as part of the program objective of providing economic stimulus to the manufacturing (industrial) sector. Nelson Barbosa revealed that the tax cuts will reduce tax revenue (&ldquo;ren&uacute;ncia fiscal&rdquo;) by around R$3.1 billion in 2012.</p> <p> According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, the following areas will all receive benefits from the program in one form or another: petroleum, gas and ship building (&ldquo;petr&oacute;leo, g&aacute;s e naval&rdquo;), autos (&ldquo;automotiva&rdquo;), healthcare services (&ldquo;complexo da sa&uacute;de&rdquo;), defense, aeronautical and space industries (&ldquo;defesa, aeron&aacute;utica e espacial&rdquo;), information technology and communications/electric-electronic complex (&ldquo;tecnologias da informa&ccedil;&atilde;o e comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o/complexo eletroeletr&ocirc;nico&rdquo;), capital goods (&ldquo;bens de capital&rdquo;), mining (&ldquo;minera&ccedil;&atilde;o&rdquo;),metallurgic&nbsp; (&ldquo;metal&uacute;rgica&rdquo;), personal hygiene (&ldquo;higiene pessoal&rdquo;), perfume and cosmetics (&ldquo;perfumaria e cosm&eacute;ticos&rdquo;), chemical industry (&ldquo;ind&uacute;stria qu&iacute;mica&rdquo;), cellulose and paper (&ldquo;celulose e papel&rdquo;), renewable energy (&ldquo;energias renov&aacute;veis&rdquo;), civil construction (&ldquo;constru&ccedil;&atilde;o civil&rdquo;), furniture (&ldquo;movies&rdquo;), footwear (&ldquo;cal&ccedil;ados&rdquo;),&nbsp; garment industry and jewelry (&ldquo;confec&ccedil;&otilde;es e joias&rdquo;), agribusiness (&ldquo;agroind&uacute;stria&rdquo;), commerce (&ldquo;com&eacute;rcio&rdquo;), services (&ldquo;services&rdquo;) and logistical services (&ldquo;servi&ccedil;os log&iacute;sticos&rdquo;).</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The program will also include around R$4 billion in new government purchases (under the provisions of the decree, to stimulate domestic production, Brasilia will be allowed to buy Brazilian-made goods that are up to 25% more expensive than similar imported items).</p> <p> Finally, the export sector will have access to reduced-interest loans totaling some R$2 billion.</p> <p> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English &ndash; content modified</p> <p> Link - Pacote de ajuda &agrave; ind&uacute;stria custar&aacute; R$ 60,4 bilh&otilde;es para o governo em 2012</p> <p> Link - Pacote para estimular a ind&uacute;stria &ldquo;est&aacute; dentro da realidade&rdquo;, avalia CNI</p> <p> (Daniel Lima, Yara Aquino, Luciana Lima and Pedro Peduzzi)</p> BNDES economy industrial sector national Nelso Barbosa Plano Brasil Maior stimulus tax cuts Wed, 04 Apr 2012 12:22:52 +0000 allen 692216 at