Dragões da Independência https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//taxonomy/term/115440/all pt-br NEWS IN ENGLISH – Heading the official reception for Obama at the airport in Brasilia: two female diplomats https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//new-in-english/2011-03-19/news-english-%E2%80%93-heading-official-reception-obama-airport-brasilia-two-female-diplomats <p> <br /> Renata Giraldi <em>Reporter Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</em></p> <p> <br /> Bras&iacute;lia &ndash; When he steps off Air&nbsp; Force One in Brasilia this morning, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, will be met by two female diplomats who are the leaders of the official Brazilian reception committee. They are: Vera L&uacute;cia Barrouin Crivano Machado, the deputy general secretary for Political Affairs at the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (Itamaraty), and Maria de Lujam Vinkler, the head of Protocol at the ministry.</p> <p> &ldquo;It is a clear demonstration of the fact that women hold key positions in the Brazilian diplomatic corps and government,&rdquo; explained the Itamaraty spokesman, Tovar Nunes.</p> <p> After Obama arrives (sometime before 8:00 am) he will go to the Hotel Golden Tulip. At 10:00 am he will arrive at the Brazilian White House, the Palacio do Planalto, for his first encounter with president Dilma Rousseff (following a traditional walk up the ramp, flanked by members of the presidential honor guard, known as the Drag&otilde;es da Independ&ecirc;ncia - actually the 1st Cavalry Regiment of Guards of the Brazilian Army, a unit that dates back to 1808. They wear uniforms based on those of 19th century Imperial Guardsmen).</p> <p> The first order of business for Obama and Dilma (like most people, the president is referred to by her first name in Brazil), will be a visit to an exposition of 20th Century Paintings by Brazilian Women Artists at the Palacio do Planalto (Obama will be the first visitor to this exhibition that will open to the public only on March 23. Probably the most famous painting being shown is &ldquo;Abaporu&rdquo; (1928) by Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973), a symbol of Brazilian modernist art (the title is an Indian phrase meaning &ldquo;man eats,&rdquo; that Tarsila&#39;s husband, Oswaldo de Andrade, suggested as part of a nationalistic movement he led called the &ldquo;antropafagia&rdquo; period, when the idea was to get Brazilians to &ldquo;eat up&rdquo; foreign influence (like Brazilian cannibals famously did to a bishop in the 16th centurty), eliminating it, in order to create a truly native Brazilian culture of art and style).</p> <p> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English - contains additional information<br /> Link - Pela primeira vez, duas mulheres receber&atilde;o um presidente estrangeiro na sua chegada ao Brasil<br /> &nbsp;</p> Abaporu arrival at Brasilia airport diplomatic reception Dragões da Independência international Obama visit Palacio do Planalto Tarsila do Amaral Sat, 19 Mar 2011 10:31:55 +0000 allen 666142 at https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil/