Davos https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//taxonomy/term/129066/all pt-br NEWS IN ENGLISH – Dilma’s international agenda will take her to summits in the US, Africa and Mercosur, besides hosting RIO+20 Conference https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//new-in-english/2012-01-04/news-english-%E2%80%93-dilma%E2%80%99s-international-agenda-will-take-her-summits-us-africa-and-mercosur-besid <p> Renata Giraldi and Yara Aquino&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>Reporters Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</em></p> <p> Bras&iacute;lia &ndash; Although president Dilma Rousseff is scheduled to visit every continent this year, Brasilia&rsquo;s main international concern is the Rio+20 Conference that will take place in Rio de Janeiro between May 28 and June 6. No less than 100 heads of state and government are expected. Rio+20 is set to be a major discussion of environmental protection, sustainable development and the green economy with the objective of defining new worldwide standards.</p> <p> However, before (and after) Rio+20, Brazilian diplomacy will be busy. In January, Dilma is expected to accompany the minister of Finance to the World Economic Summit in Davos, between January 25 and 29.</p> <p> In March, president Dilma will visit the United States. Barack Obama and his family were in Brazil in 2010, and this is a return trip.</p> <p> Dilma is scheduled to participate in the South American-Africa Summit (&ldquo;ASA&rdquo;) on the 15<sup>th</sup> and 16<sup>th</sup> of May in Malabo, Equatorial Guine. She has stated a desire to expand relations with African nations, especially in the northern region of the continent.</p> <p> In June, Dilma will attend a Mercosur summit in Buenos Aires. Together with Cristina Kirchner of Argentina, Fernando Lugo of Paraguay and Jos&eacute; Pepe Mujica of Uruguay, she will examine proposals for further multilateral partnerships in the region.</p> <p> A visit to England for the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games is on the table. Brazil will be the next host of the games in 2016.</p> <p> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English</p> <h2> <em>With reporting by Luciene Lima</em></h2> <p> Link - Agenda internacional de Dilma deve conciliar Rio+20 com visitas aos EUA e &Aacute;frica e reuni&otilde;es do Mercosul</p> ASA Davos Dilma Rousseff international London Olympics Mercosur RIO+20 USA Wed, 04 Jan 2012 12:15:56 +0000 allen 686263 at https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil/