renewal energy pt-br NEWS IN ENGLISH – Government to spend R$1.3 billion at Santo Antônio hydroelectric power plant to protect environment <p> Carolina Pimentel&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>Reporter Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</em></p> <p> <br /> Bras&iacute;lia &ndash; President Dilma Rousseff announced on July 11 that the government will spend R$1.3 billion on environmental and social projects (&ldquo;a&ccedil;&otilde;es ambientais e sociais&rdquo;) related to the construction of the Santo Ant&ocirc;nio hydroelectric power plant on the Madeira River in the state of Rond&ocirc;nia. The plant is scheduled to begin generating electricity at the end of this year. Construction on Santo Ant&ocirc;nio began in September 2008. It will generate 3,100 megawatts of electricity.</p> <p> <br /> &ldquo;When the Santo Ant&ocirc;nio power plant is ready it will produce energy for millions of people. And when something this big is built it gives the local economy a big boost. Industries come, job are created, commerce grows and new opportunities appear,&rdquo; the president explained during her weekly radio broadcast, Breakfast with the President.</p> <p> <br /> On July 5, Dilma was in Rond&ocirc;nia at the site of the Santo Ant&ocirc;nio dam for a ceremony marking the closing of the dam and the diversion of the river.</p> <p> <br /> In her program, Dilma emphasized that 90% of electricity in Brazil is generated by non-polluting, renewable sources. &ldquo;I can say with certainty that we are on the right path, using our hydropower resources in a responsible manner,&rdquo; declared the president.</p> <p> <br /> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English</p> <p> Link - Governo deve aplicar R$ 1,3 bilh&atilde;o em a&ccedil;&otilde;es relacionadas &agrave; Usina Hidrel&eacute;trica Santo Ant&ocirc;nio</p> <p> Link &ndash; Dilma participa de cerim&ocirc;nia que marca in&iacute;cio do desvio do Rio Madeira<br /> &nbsp;</p> dams Dilma Rousseff national renewal energy Santo Antônio Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:39:23 +0000 allen 674663 at