Jirau https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//taxonomy/term/118241/all pt-br NEWS IN ENGLISH – Eighty thousand workers at large construction sites have gone on strike this year https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//new-in-english/2011-04-20/news-english-%E2%80%93-eighty-thousand-workers-large-construction-sites-have-gone-strike-year <p> Daniel Mello <em>Reporter Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</em></p> <p> <br /> S&atilde;o Paulo &ndash; There is little doubt that there really have been serious labor problems at construction sites in remote locations where huge projects that are part of the government&rsquo;s Accelerated Growth Program (&ldquo;PAC&rdquo;) are underway. According to the union-linked Department of Socio-Economic Statistical Studies (&ldquo;Dieese&rdquo;), at least 82,000 construction workers have gone on strike this year. Most of them working at large construction sites that are part of priority government programs.</p> <p> <br /> According to Jos&eacute; Silvestre of Dieese, the impressive numbers are related to the size and quantity of construction underway. &ldquo;You have a large number of jobs taking place under very tight timetables,&rdquo; he explained.</p> <p> <br /> As the situation gets more urgent, the pressure on the workers is ratcheted up. And the workers will eventually revolt against the working and living conditions that are historically precarious. &ldquo;The worker grievances in these cases are pretty straightforward. They are focused on working conditions, on salaries, benefits and living conditions,&rdquo; according to Silvestre.</p> <p> <br /> Globalized communications also play a role nowadays in providing workers with a constant flow of information. Sometimes there is a copycat syndrome at work &ndash; workers do what other workers are doing. And then there is the internet and real time data and information. All of which makes it very easy to mobilize workers and get a riot going, says the Dieese director.</p> <p> <br /> Dieese reports point out that the worker revolts in Rond&ocirc;nia have not been led by large, national labor unions. They have been more spontaneous rebellions against specific conditions that make negotiations more difficult.</p> <p> <br /> &ldquo;The fact is that these construction projects are government projects and as such must provide workers with minimum conditions. Public investments have to have the public good in mind,&rdquo; declared Silvestre.</p> <p> <br /> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English &ndash; content modified</p> <p> Link - Mais de 80 mil trabalhadores de grandes obras j&aacute; entraram em greve este ano<br /> &nbsp;</p> Jirau labor strikes labor unrest national PAC Santo Antonio Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:03:43 +0000 allen 668735 at https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil/ NEWS IN ENGLISH – Unions and contractors discuss new labor relations at PAC sites with government representatives https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//new-in-english/2011-04-20/news-english-%E2%80%93-unions-and-contractors-discuss-new-labor-relations-pac-sites-government-represe <p> Yara Aquino <em>Reporter Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</em></p> <p> <br /> Bras&iacute;lia &ndash; Minister Carlos Lupi, of Labor, says that a landmark regulatory statute is being drawn up to ensure adequate working conditions for workers in civil construction. The main objective of the new rules, explained the minister, will be large construction projects, such as those in the government&rsquo;s Accelerated Growth Program (&ldquo;PAC&rdquo;), where serious labor problems have occurred recently.</p> <p> <br /> Lupi called the PAC construction projects &ldquo;atypical,&rdquo; mainly because of the large number of workers employed [the Jirau hydroelectric project in the state of Rond&ocirc;nia, deep in the Amazon rainforest near the border with Bolivia, is an example. Over 20,000 workers, from different parts of the country, were housed on the construction site when riots broke out in the middle of March due to poor living conditions]</p> <p> <br /> According to minister Lupi, speaking at a meeting of representatives of the government, workers and contractors, the new rules will go beyond the minimum legal necessities in order to guarantee better living conditions and opportunities for labor unions to negotiate freely.</p> <p> <br /> &ldquo; These are very big construction sites that become veritable cities. The government has a part of the responsibility and must mediate as well as create better working conditions,&rdquo; said the minister.</p> <p> <br /> As a result of the meeting, a commission of representatives of government, workers and contractors has been established and will meet weekly. It was also decided to create commissions within construction sites so that communications can be timely and there is a constant dialogue between workers and the contractors.</p> <p> <br /> It was also decided that as of now contractors will do hiring through the National Employment System which is run by the Ministry of Labor.</p> <p> <br /> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English</p> <p> Link - Governo discute com sindicatos e empres&aacute;rios novas rela&ccedil;&otilde;es de trabalho em obras do PAC<br /> &nbsp;</p> Jirau labor unrest Ministry of Labor national PAC Santo Antonio Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:59:45 +0000 allen 668732 at https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil/ NEWS IN ENGLISH – Workers and contractors try to iron out problems at PAC construction sites https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil//new-in-english/2011-04-20/news-english-%E2%80%93-workers-and-contractors-try-iron-out-problems-pac-construction-sites <p> Pedro Peduzzi Reporter Ag&ecirc;ncia Brasil</p> <p> <br /> Bras&iacute;lia &ndash; Against a background of serious labor problems at the Jirau hydroelectric power plant construction site (located in the Amazon jungle near the border with Bolivia in the state of Rond&ocirc;nia), representatives of workers and civil construction companies met on April 18 at the Brazilian Civil Construction Chamber (&ldquo;Cbic&rdquo;) to discuss proposals that will be presented to the government.</p> <p> <br /> &ldquo;These jobs, that are part of the government&rsquo;s Accelerated Growth Program (&ldquo;PAC&rdquo;), are very different from regular construction work in urban areas,&rdquo; explained Ant&ocirc;nio Carlos Mendes Gomes, the president of the Labor Relations Commission (&ldquo;Comiss&atilde;o de Pol&iacute;ticas de Rela&ccedil;&otilde;es Trabalhistas&rdquo;) at Cbic. &ldquo;The problems that have occurred at Jirau and Santo Antonio (another power plant also located in the state of Rondonia) stem from the fact that the area is isolated and remote. Workers come from other regions of the country. They are confined at the construction site and that can be a heavy emotional load for some of them even when their accommodations are good. Construction firms must invest in leisure activities. That is good money spent to avoid bad losses in the future.&rdquo;</p> <p> <br /> Gomes says that progress has been made in dealing with the problem of subcontractors. &ldquo;Big companies now operate more like assembly lines. They contract specialists for specific jobs. That reduces costs and as professionals are hired the quality of the work is high. The company is more productive and more jobs are created,&rdquo; he said.</p> <p> <br /> &ldquo;The problems occur when a construction company tries to cut corners and reduce costs. That is the reason subcontracting should be subject to close oversight,&rdquo; declared Gomes.</p> <p> <br /> Labor representatives insist that the main contractor be held responsible for subcontractors. &ldquo;Punishment for errors should fall directly on the principal contractor. If subterfuges are possible, if a small, irresponsible firm can take the blame and let the big guys off the hook, then it will not work,&rdquo; says Luiz Carlos Jos&eacute; de Queiroz, a director of the National Confederation of Construction Workers (&ldquo;Confedera&ccedil;&atilde;o Nacional dos Sindicatos de Trabalhadores na Ind&uacute;stria da Constru&ccedil;&atilde;o Civil e Madeira - Conticom&rdquo;), one of six labor union representatives that participated in the meeting.</p> <p> <br /> &ldquo;At the moment, we are drawing up regulations (&ldquo;portaria normativa&rdquo;) for subcontracting, which will be delivered to the Ministry of Labor. We are working to identify points of consensus among the labor unions and contractors so that we can come up with positive solutions and avoid problems similar to those that occurred in Rond&ocirc;nia,&rdquo; concluded Gomes.</p> <p> <br /> Allen Bennett &ndash; translator/editor The News in English</p> <p> Link - Trabalhadores e empreiteiros buscam propostas conjuntas para grandes obras do PAC</p> Jirau labor unrest national PAC Santo Antonio Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:55:38 +0000 allen 668731 at https://memoria.ebc.com.br/agenciabrasil/